
VÄXTVÄRK - Artist Book

BA Exam Project in Graphic Design and Illustration 2024
Stockholm at Konstfack University of Crafts, Arts and Design.

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Auti-Auto-Theori - Tidsskriften Astra

Illustration for Tidsskriften Astra nr1 2023 "Misslyckande" till Anna Nygrens text Auti-aouto-theory.

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The Library of Reflecting Artefacts - Our House

Our House' presents work from the GFI second year course 'Rumsligt' with Catherine Anyango Grünewald. Each student was assigned a room in the house and tasked to present their research into this space as a spatial experience. - 2023, Konstfack University of Art, Craft and Design

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May-Britt Öhman - Kolonierna

Illustrated portrait of scientist May-Britt Öhman for the book "No mine in Gállok: Ecocide and colonialism in Swedish-occupied Sápmi" by Kolonierna

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